About Us

Care Africa Medical Foundation (CAMF)

Mr. & Mrs. Henry Gwagee, both a Liberian natives founded Care Africa Medical Foundation (CAMF). Our Mission is to help enhance the healthcare systems in Africa, beginning in Liberia, by building clinics and medical centers in rural communities to provide medical services and medical supplies (equipment) needed to improve the health sector. Henry and Gormah are small business owners in Aurora, Colorado. After visiting Liberia, they realized there was a significant need for health services in Buchanan, Grand Bassa County, their hometown. They have conducted FREE Health fairs in a school building for the last three years.

Our vision is to help improve healthcare services by providing quality medical supplies and equipment and educating preventive care to residents and healthcare providers in rural communities, villages, and small cities in countries across Africa.
After receiving a letter of request from the County Health Officer of Grand Bassa County to build a Medical Center, CAMF is constructing its first Medical Center in Grand Bassa County, Liberia, which is set to open in the fall of 2023.

Once completed, our Medical Center will provide the following services but not limited to;
• Emergency Room
• Primary Care
• Pediatrics
• Minor surgeries
• Women Ward
• Men Ward
• Children Ward
• Obstetrics/Gynecology
• Dental Services
• Laboratory
• Pharmacy
• X-Ray

Care African Medical Foundation is a tax-exempt organization described under the federal income tax code, Section 501(C) (3), of the Internal Revenue Service.


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