

The prevalence of HIV/AIDS is conservatively estimated to be around 8.2% and the lack of preventative healthcare information and services, such as care, support and counseling needs to be addressed urgently if the epidemic is to be prevented and controlled. Other factors, such as, the proliferation of commercialized sex, limited condom usage, stigma and misconceptions of proper healthcare, further contribute …


The fourteen (14) years of conflict have contributed to the deterioration of health care services in Liberia. Over the last two years, there has been a gradual expansion in humanitarian emergency health actions to in-accessible and remote areas of the country. However, the health care delivery system is still in the emergency phase and is heavily reliant on additional external …


Liberia is a small country on the West Coast of Africa; it has 15 counties, and 15 county hospitals, which are surrounded by several health centers and clinics (each with about 15-20 beds). County hospitals do not have specialists, and all their surgical procedures are provided by General Doctors\Physicians. Most of these Healthcare Centers do not have doctors and most …

11 deaths in Sierra Leone and Liberia are suspected to be linked to Ebola

Guinea’s neighbors have reacted to quell the spread of the disease. Reuters reports Senegal closed its land border with Guinea on Saturday, and halted the operation of weekly markets in the area. Senegal has also implemented sanitary checks on flights between its capital Dakar and Conakry, while West African airline Gambia Bird has delayed the launch of a new route …

Liberian health authorities confirm two cases of Ebola: WHO

(Reuters) – The World Health Organisation (WHO) said on Sunday that Liberia has confirmed two cases of the deadly Ebola virus that is suspected to have killed at least 70 people in Guinea. The outbreak of the highly contagious Ebola, which in its more acute phase, causes vomiting, diarrhoea and external bleeding, has sent Guinea’s West African neighbors scrambling to …